The majority of our adult users are women of all walks of life and back grounds.
They use our range of services, which they benefit from in different ways at different times.
Women are currently using our all services such advice and advocacy, workshops and seminars through our Tuesdays women’s coffee morning, fitness activities, health awareness, family and group counselling sessions, trips and community gatherings, family’s mediations and domestic issues support, language and skill improvement classes, job search, volunteering and much more support and development services.

In Somali communities women have many cultural and gender barriers preventing them from accessing mainstream health services so our healthy living programmes are always appreciated as it is more appropriately focused to their needs. We also runs a series of 5-a-side football sessions specific for girls and young women.

Islam has great respect for motherhood, during which mothers must have deep love for their children, make sacrifices for them and dedicate themselves to their care and upbringing. However, in the UK the role of mothers in the family is changing and mothers are increasingly taking on multiple roles, such as working and looking after young ones at the same time.
SIDA provides support for mothers helping them maintain an awareness of their responsibilities, building upon their natural maternal strengths and helping them set clear goals to achieve everything demanded by motherhood in modern society.

Many adult members of the Somali communities have barriers in language and often lack some primary skills for life, due to their backgrounds in which they may not have had a full (or any) formal education in the past.
● Spoken English
● Written English
● Numeracy skills
● ICT Introduction
● Personal development

Family Matters
Family Conflict, Resolution and Mediation
The pressures of modern life can put a huge strain on family. SIDA works with family groups on how best they can cope as a group to resolve troublesome issues such as bullying, violence, racism, anti social behaviour and internal family conflict
General Family Responsibilities
● Housing matters
● Domestic bills
● Welfare / benefits
● Children’s Health
● Parenting issues

Our Back to work program is a joint venture between SIDA, the Job centre and numerous local employers and other agencies. We offer assistance in the following:
● CV Preparation
● Job search skills
● Interview techniques