

Children services are at the heart of this organisation and we have worked with children has specially focussed providing help and support to disadvantaged children and their families for over 30 years that it has existed.

Children learn to academically, socially and emotionally develop through educational classes, sports, social activities and peer interactions.

SIDA have provided tuition classes, creative writing and art, sports, trips to museums, seaside’s and natural views as well as mother tongue and cultural awareness sessions through storytelling and intergenerational integration discussions.

Current Services: Families Development programme that include family learning together activities, family mediation and domestic matters solutions, Mixed Martial art classes, football sports, trips, online classes, discussions and workshops, filming and creative writing sessions and many more other actives and learning activities.

Current Project:

Learning together, Somali Development Project Funded by the People’s health Trust.


  1. Parenting workshops
  2. Functional Skills-Monday Morning   10am-12pm
  3. Parents Forum-Coffee Morning-  Tuesday between 10am -11am
  4. Liaison and referrals to the main stream services, such as social services, local schools, housing and welfare rights agencies, health services etc.
  5. Advocacy and support on family’s matters.

1- Recruitment, induction and engagement of new staff member [Family Development Officer @ 15 hours per week]

2- Awareness Raising: promotions and outreach contact work to tell Somali families we are here [design / development of materials and implementation ongoing]

3- Volunteer recruitment and training: 10 volunteers to be recruited for the year, we will open the opportunities up straight away to recruit 2 – 5 volunteers in the first 6 months who will assist all activities.

4- Activities: 3 x weekly sessions delivered over 24 weeks = 72 sessions comprising: –

4- a – Social Activity: bringing Somali families together to engage in community activity, make friends with other families, share ideas and support each other.

4- b- Group Workshops: identifying issues with the families and arranging responsive workshops and educational sessions to address them e.g.

e families and arranging responsive workshops and educational sessions to address them e.g

Who we help


Saturdays during school term: Football and fun activities for children of our SIDA community schools takes place at local play grounds during school term.
Sunday football: Damilola Taylor at 1-5pm for the age group of 8-15 years olds. Tuesdays: Youth Football in Burgess Park for age groups of 16-24.
Fathers football games: Burges park, every Friday 8-10pm.

Team sports are a great way for young people to enjoy an active life in a competitive but safe and controlled environment where they learn the importance of teamwork.

Preparing for adulthood

SIDA runs a varirty of programs that help children prepare for the rigours and challenges of adult life. We focus on three main areas which gives young people the skills and confidence they need to survive and flourish in the outside world

● Volunteering Services
● Youth Parliament
● Community Work
● Youth work experience

Educational and home work support

SIDA offers children a range of courses intended to support the work they do at school. We offer additional workshops in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 including GCSE English, Maths and Science.

Our Peer Mentoring sessions and Learn2Excel program offers one-to-one and small group tuition for primary, secondary and further education learners on a range of key topics and skill areas including.

​ ● Sports Leadership
● Childcare
● Food Hygiene
● First Aid
● IT Introduction

Safety and Responsibilites

SIDA knows that children are vulnerable and seeks to help parents by re-inforcing the messages to uphold community justice, maintain street safety and avoid the dangers of youth offending and drugs